Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Chapter Eleven - 2012 Stats - Membership Gains Related to VBS and Other Things

This chapter looks in more depth at the ways we gained membership in 2012 and slices and dices in a variety of ways. In various categories we look proportionately at how membership was gained (in congregations that had people participating in VBS, 49% of membership gains were from professions of faith), and we also examine the total numbers in various categories compared to the whole (congregations that had people participating in VBS accounted for 84% of all professions of faith in the UMC).

After looking at several different categories, there were no huge differences that popped out related to how people gained members. Just about anyway you slice it, about half of the new members are gained by profession of faith, a little more than a fourth by transfer from another United Methodist Church, and a little less than a fourth come from another denomination or are restored members. 

However, when you start looking at total numbers, some very interesting things emerge.
• 65% of all congregations have at least one community outreach ministry, and those congregations account for 86% of all professions of faith
• 60% of all congregations have both children and youth in Christian formation, and those congregations account for 90% of all professions of faith
• 55% of all congregations have VBS, and those congregations account for 84% of all professions of faith.
• 54% of all congregations have United Methodist Women, and those congregations account for 71% of all professions of faith
• 30% of all congregations have United Methodist Men, and those congregations account for 48% of all professions of faith
• 26% of all congregations have  confirmation classes, and those congregations account for 67% of all professions of faith
• 26% of all congregations have both United Methodist Men and Women, and those congregations account for 43% of all professions of faith
• 25% of all congregations have a day care ministry, and those congregations account for 58% of all professions of faith

(Note: by subtracting these numbers from 100%, you can calculate the converse of each situation mentioned. So for example, 45% of congregations do not have VBS and they account for 16% of all professions of faith)

It is important to remember that correlation does not imply causation. Just because the total number of professions of faith of congregations with VBS was more than five times the total number of professions of faith in congregations without VBS, does not mean that VBS causes people to profess faith in Christ. These figures do prompt questions. They make be wonder:
• What would happen if the 45% of all congregations that don't have Vacation Bible School teamed with one or more congregations to offer a VBS experience?
• What would happen if the 65% of all congregations that have at least one community outreach ministry added one more outreach ministry in the next year?
• What would happen if the 75% of all congregations that don't have a day care ministry did a community audit to assess the need for day care in their community?

Here are some of the breakouts for some of the statistics listed about. All statistics are based on congregations with at least five members.
Of all reported membership gains in 2012
49% were professions of faith (124,598)
27% were received from other United Methodist Churches (69,051)
20% were received from other denominations (50,023)
5% were restored members (12,443)
Total Number of people: 256115 
32,440 congregations

Membership gains of congregations that had people participating in Vacation Bible School 
49% were professions of faith (104,613)
27% were received from other United Methodist Churches (58,284)
20% were received from other denominations (42,805)
5% were restored members (9868)
Total Number of people: 215570
Total Number of congregations: 17,924
55% of all congregations
84%  of all membership gains in the United Methodist Church
84% of all professions of faith

Membership gains of congregations that had zero people participating in Vacation Bible School 
49% were professions of faith (19,985)
27% were received from other United Methodist Churches (10,767)
18% were received from other denominations (7,218)
6% were restored members (2575)
Total Number of people: 40,545
Total Number of congregations: 14,516
45% of all congregations
16%  of all membership gains in the United Methodist Church
16% of all professions of faith

Membership gains of congregations that had at least one person enrolled in confirmation class
50% were professions of faith (83,280)
26% were received from other United Methodist Churches (42,831)
19% were received from other denominations (32,264)
5% were restored members (7925)
Total Number of people: 166,300
Total Number of congregations: 8390
26% of all congregations
65%  of all membership gains in the United Methodist Church
67% of all professions of faith

Membership gains of congregations that had at no one enrolled in confirmation class
50% were professions of faith (41,318)
26% were received from other United Methodist Churches (26,220)
19% were received from other denominations (17,759)
5% were restored members (4518)
Total Number of people: 90715
Total Number of congregations: 24050
74% of all congregations
35%  of all membership gains in the United Methodist Church
33% of all professions of faith

Membership gains of congregations that had at least one community outreach ministry
49% were professions of faith (107,392)
27% were received from other United Methodist Churches (59,263)
20% were received from other denominations (43,230)
5% were restored members (10,771)
Total Number of people: 220,656
Total Number of congregations: 21,006
65% of all congregations
86%  of all membership gains in the United Methodist Church
86% of all professions of faith

Membership gains of congregations that had no community outreach ministry
49% were professions of faith (17,206)
27% were received from other United Methodist Churches (9788)
20% were received from other denominations (6793)
5% were restored members (1672)
Total Number of people: 35,459
Total Number of congregations: 11,374
35% of all congregations
14%  of all membership gains in the United Methodist Church
14% of all professions of faith

The statistical data included herein were provided at no charge by the General Council on Finance and Administration of The United Methodist Church (GCFA) and may be obtained directly from GCFA, PO Box 340020, Nashville, TN 37203-0029. This data is proprietary and is owned by GCFA and may not be used in any commercial or exploitative way, to make a financial profit, or in a manner that defames the United Methodist denomination or its agencies or organizations. GCFA does not endorse any particular use of the data or accept responsibility for its interpretation or analysis by another.

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