Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Chapter Five - 2012 Stats - Ethnicity in Jurisdictions

This chapter looks a little more closely at ethnicity as a percentage of membership and U.S. population. As with previous issues, these figures are based on congregations with at least five members.

 A few things that I noticed were:
  • As a percentage of the jurisdiction, the highest percentage of African Americans is in the Northeastern Jurisdiction
  • As a percentage of the jurisdiction, the highest percentages of Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Multi-racial members are in the Western Jurisdiction.
  • As a percentage of the jurisdiction, the highest percentage of Native Americans is in the South Central Jurisdiction.
  • As a percentage of the jurisdiction, the highest percentage of Euro Americans is in the North Central Jurisdiction.

U.S. Population based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau
13.1% -  African American
5.1% -  Asian American
16.9%  - Hispanic American
1.2% - Native American
63% - Euro American
.2% - Pacific Islander
2.4% - Multi-racial

All Jurisdictions Combined (32440 Congregations)
5.99% -  African American
1.25% -  Asian American
1.01%  - Hispanic American
.29% - Native American
89.94% - Euro American
.18% - Pacific Islander
.68% - Multi-racial
.66% - No ethnicity reported

Western Jurisdiction (1719 Congregations)
4.64% -  African American
9.73% -  Asian American
2.24%  - Hispanic American
.35% - Native American
77.4% - Euro American
2.52% - Pacific Islander
1.91% - Multi-racial
1.21% - No ethnicity reported

South Central Jurisdiction (5633 Congregations)
5.7% - African American
.55% - Asian American
2.12% - Hispanic American
.8% - Native American
89.95% - Euro American
.08% - Pacific Islander
.76% - Multi-racial
.04% - No ethnicity reported

North Central Jurisdiction (6848 Congregations)
2.54% - African American
.85% - Asian American
.44% - Hispanic American
.11% - Native American
93.87% - Euro American
.06% - Pacific Islander
.82% - Multi-racial
1.31% - No ethnicity reported

Southeastern Jurisdiction (11339 Congregations)
7.21% - African American
.56% - Asian American
.59% - Hispanic American
.15% - Native American
90.52% - Euro American
.05% - Pacific Islander
.35% - Multi-racial
.57% - No ethnicity reported

Northeastern Jurisdiction (6901 Congregations)
7.52% - African American
1.88% - Asian American
.7% - Hispanic American
.11% - Native American
88.04% - Euro American
.09% - Pacific Islander
.82% - Multi-racial
.27% - No ethnicity reported

If you would like to take a look at how this compares to the 2010 figures, you can find that information at:

The statistical data included herein were provided at no charge by the General Council on Finance and Administration of The United Methodist Church (GCFA) and may be obtained directly from GCFA, PO Box 340020, Nashville, TN 37203-0029. This data is proprietary and is owned by GCFA and may not be used in any commercial or exploitative way, to make a financial profit, or in a manner that defames the United Methodist denomination or its agencies or organizations. GCFA does not endorse any particular use of the data or accept responsibility for its interpretation or analysis by another.

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