The last chapter of Stories From the Spreadsheet looked at ethnicity as a percentage of membership. This chapter looks at the percentages of United Methodists that attend a congregation which is predominantly of the same ethnicity as they are . Note that for these results “predominantly” is defined as 50% or more. Please remember that this is all based upon what congregations reported. Since most congregations don’t ask about a person’s ethnic identity, in many cases the reported figures may be an estimate made by the person filling in the statistics sheet. So while reality is probably somewhat different, these figures should give us a pretty good ball-park figure.
A few things that I thought were interesting:
• Compared to 2010 statistics there has been a tiny decline in the percentage of African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders that attend a congregation which is predominantly of the same ethnicity as they are. There has been a tiny increase for Asian Americans, and Euro-American percentages have stayed the same. However, all of these changes are probably not large enough to be statistically significant. You can see the 2010 breakdown at
• African American United Methodists in the Western Jurisdiction are much less likely to attend a predominantly African American congregation than are African American United Methodists in any other jurisdiction.
• In every jurisdiction Hispanic Americans are more likely to attend a predominantly non-Hispanic congregation than a predominantly Hispanic congregation.
• Only in the Western Jurisdiction are Pacific Islander United Methodists more likely to attend a predominantly Pacific Islander congregation than a predominantly non-Pacific Islander congregation.
• Only in the Southeastern Jurisdiction are Native American United Methodists more likely to attend a predominantly Native American congregation than a predominantly non-Native American congregation.
• No matter where they live, it is highly unlikely that a Euro American United Methodist will belong to a congregation that is predominantly non-Euro American.
Among all U.S. Congregations
85.1% of African American United Methodists attended predominantly African American congregations
66.2% of Asian American United Methodists attended predominantly Asian American congregations
34% of Hispanic American United Methodists attended predominantly Hispanic American congregations
44.8% of Native American United Methodists attended predominantly Native American congregations
37.5% of Pacific Islander United Methodists attended predominantly Pacific Islander congregations
99.7% of Euro American United Methodists attend predominantly Euro American congregations
In the Northeastern Jurisdiction
84.3% of African American United Methodists attended predominantly African American congregations
74.3% of Asian American United Methodists attended predominantly Asian American congregations
44.4% of Hispanic American United Methodists attended predominantly Hispanic American congregations
27.9% of Native American United Methodists attended predominantly Native American congregations
0% of Pacific Islander United Methodists attended predominantly Pacific Islander congregations
99.5% of Euro American United Methodists attend predominantly Euro American congregations
In the Southeastern Jurisdiction
89.3% of African American United Methodists attended predominantly African American congregations
51.2% of Asian American United Methodists attended predominantly Asian American congregations
18.1% of Hispanic American United Methodists attended predominantly Hispanic American congregations
65.7% of Native American United Methodists attended predominantly Native American congregations
0% of Pacific Islander United Methodists attended predominantly Pacific Islander congregations
99.9% of Euro American United Methodists attend predominantly Euro American congregations
In the South Central Jurisdiction
86.2% of African American United Methodists attended predominantly African American congregations
49.1% of Asian American United Methodists attended predominantly Asian American congregations
42.1% of Hispanic American United Methodists attended predominantly Hispanic American congregations
43.7% of Native American United Methodists attended predominantly Native American congregations
16.3% of Pacific Islander United Methodists attended predominantly Pacific Islander congregations
99.8% of Euro American United Methodists attend predominantly Euro American congregations
In the Western Jurisdiction
53.7% of African American United Methodists attended predominantly African American congregations
74.4% of Asian American United Methodists attended predominantly Asian American congregations
18.8% of Hispanic American United Methodists attended predominantly Hispanic American congregations
20% of Native American United Methodists attended predominantly Native American congregations
55.7% of Pacific Islander United Methodists attended predominantly Pacific Islander congregations
97.7% of Euro American United Methodists attend predominantly Euro American congregations
In the North Central Jurisdiction
73.4% of African American United Methodists attended predominantly African American congregations
61.2% of Asian American United Methodists attended predominantly Asian American congregations
33.4% of Hispanic American United Methodists attended predominantly Hispanic American congregations
30.7% of Native American United Methodists attended predominantly Native American congregations
0% of Pacific Islander United Methodists attended predominantly Pacific Islander congregations
99.9% of Euro American United Methodists attend predominantly Euro American congregations
The statistical data included herein were provided at no charge by the General Council on Finance and Administration of The United Methodist Church (GCFA) and may be obtained directly from GCFA, PO Box 340020, Nashville, TN 37203-0029. This data is proprietary and is owned by GCFA and may not be used in any commercial or exploitative way, to make a financial profit, or in a manner that defames the United Methodist denomination or its agencies or organizations. GCFA does not endorse any particular use of the data or accept responsibility for its interpretation or analysis by another.
The statistical data included herein were provided at no charge by the General Council on Finance and Administration of The United Methodist Church (GCFA) and may be obtained directly from GCFA, PO Box 340020, Nashville, TN 37203-0029. This data is proprietary and is owned by GCFA and may not be used in any commercial or exploitative way, to make a financial profit, or in a manner that defames the United Methodist denomination or its agencies or organizations. GCFA does not endorse any particular use of the data or accept responsibility for its interpretation or analysis by another.
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